
Monday, January 13, 2014

Is Anybody Still There??

Happy 2014!  A year has come and gone and life is ever changing!

My life has been so different this last year with a full house again and watching my grand babies grow and learn and become little social beings.  They bring us much joy!  It is so much fun to watch them interact with one another.  The girls being a year and a half older have taken their little boy cousin under their wings and he loves them dearly, even when they lead him around by the hand and try to make him do what they say to do.  He goes along at first but only for so long before he makes his independence known to them.  He is a boy after all!

I have not put needle to thread for a year now.  Having a 17 month old in the house makes it difficult to get any stitching time.  His little fingers just love to help!  LOL!  Take my word for it, his help is not always helpful!  When knitting or crocheting the skeins of yarn are just so enticing.  He loves to grab the yarn and run away with it.  And I know better than to try to cross stitch with him in the room.   But I really, really need my stitching time, it has been sorely missed.  So, my New Years resolution was to make myself a little spot in the house where I could set up my stitching lamp and be able to block the room to my little helper in the evenings when his mama is home to take care of him.  My bedroom now has a baby gate at the door and my stitching lamp is by my by my bed (there was no room for a chair in my room so the bed has to do for now).  The arrangement is not perfect but I can stitch to my hearts content in the evenings and even during little man's nap time if I want.  What joy to be able to relax with my stitching again!

My stitching time has been productive this new year.  I have started working on a Christmas afghan for myself.  A prayer shawl for the sick at my church has been completed.  (Sorry no pictures of either of those projects.)  And I have finished two WIP from my cross stitch stash which are pictured below!

"He's A Flake" LHN
32 ct gray linen scrap
DMC threads

PS Book No 149 "November"
14 ct fiddlers Lt
DMC threads
"November" was from my UFO pile and "He's A Flake" was from my 2011 Crazy Challenge WIP.  It felt so good to finish these two pieces!  Oh no, just realized I forgot to stitch the buttons on my snowman!! Good thing I was posting about him!  I am going to stitch those three little stitches as soon as I wrap up this post.

I hope that all of you are having a good start to your new year and I wish you all many blessings and much happiness in the coming year!

Until next time!


Vickie said...

How very nice to hear from you. Sounds very adventurous over there! ;) Nice work.

Kaisievic said...

Nancy, so lovely to hear that you are stitching again. Looking after your grandson is really fulfilling, I am sure but you do need your "me" time as well. Two lovely finishes. Thanks so much for sharing.

Robin in Virginia said...

Happy New Year, Nancy! Wishing you many blessings in the coming year. Congratulations on your finishes! Glad you are able to get in a bit of stitching.

Robin in Virginia

diamondc said...

I wish I had grandchildren, how lucky you are.
Love your finishes, I was gifted a prayer shawl two years ago I use it when I am stitching and other times.

Happy Newyear I hope you get loads of stitching done this year.


llknbillburg said...

Time for ourselves is to important. Glad you have managed to carve out some stitching time for yourself!! Laura

Brigitte said...

It's great to read that you find some time for stitching again. And wow, two finishes to look at. Great stitching, Nancy!

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